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Produkt zum Begriff Questions:

  • Asking Questions in Biology
    Asking Questions in Biology

    Asking and answering questions is the cornerstone of science, yet formal training in understanding this key process is often overlooked. Asking Questions in Biology unpacks this crucial process of enquiry, from a biological perspective, at its various stages.   The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Questions For Great Interviewers
    Brilliant Questions For Great Interviewers

    Have you ever hired the wrong person? Ever felt under prepared and the interview has ended up as a ’chat’? Lost for words and not sure what to ask next? Hiring the right person for the job is crucial in any business. Brilliant Questions for Great Interviewers is designed to help you find the very best candidate for the job. You’ll learn the best way to source candidates, select them for interview and interview well. You’ll gain the confidence to keep asking questions until you have ALL the information you need and will never be stuck for a question again. As interviewing will occur around your every day work schedule there will be tips on how to make the best use of your time with easy to use summaries and plans for quick reference. For those that do not have a Human Resource team to call upon it will include how to assess what the job involves and how to determine the candidate requirements.  BRILLIANT OUTCOMES - You’ll be able to:· identify what the job involves· identify what experience and skills thecandidate must have and those that will beuseful but not essential· source candidates· short list for interview· interview and get the information needed tomake an informed decision· understand the legal aspects to ensure theyare not prejudiced in their selection· save time and money in the process and byhiring the best candidate· have a battery of ‘brilliant’ questions 

    Preis: 9.62 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions
    Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions

    What does it take to really shine in any interview? Learn how to recognise your strengths and play to them, how to deal with your weak spots and avoid panic and clichéd answers. Discover the art of turning every question to your advantage and learn the secrets behind a brilliant answer, so you will always know the right thing to say. With over 200 of the most commonly-asked questions and ideal answers, this is the book that will make sure that you are ready to handle anything an interviewer throws at you. BRILLIANT OUTCOMES Learn how to turn any question to your advantage Feel prepared and in control – no matter what questions are asked Be ready and able to show your strengths The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Asking Questions in Biology PXE eBook
    Asking Questions in Biology PXE eBook

    Pearson works closely with your university and your lecturers and we are committed to helping you learn. Why not give your study skills a boost and start preparing for your future career now? Take a look at our skills resources:

    Preis: 31.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind weitere Möglichkeiten, um Mitglieder im Club zu finden?

    Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um Mitglieder für einen Club zu gewinnen. Eine Möglichkeit ist die Nutzung von sozialen Medien, um den Club zu bewerben und potenzielle Mitglieder anzusprechen. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist die Organisation von Veranstaltungen oder Workshops, um Interessierte anzuziehen und sie über den Club zu informieren. Zudem kann auch Mundpropaganda eine effektive Methode sein, um neue Mitglieder zu gewinnen.

  • Was sind effektive Strategien für einen Gegenschlag in einer Diskussion oder Debatte?

    1. Bleibe ruhig und sachlich, um Emotionen zu vermeiden. 2. Verwende Fakten und Argumente, um deine Position zu stärken. 3. Höre aktiv zu und gehe auf die Argumente deines Gegners ein, um eine konstruktive Diskussion zu führen.

  • Ohne eine Abstimmung oder ohne eine Abstimmung?

    Ohne eine Abstimmung bedeutet, dass eine Entscheidung getroffen wird, ohne dass die Meinungen oder Stimmen der Betroffenen berücksichtigt werden. Dies kann als undemokratisch oder ungerecht angesehen werden, da es den Grundsätzen der Partizipation und Mitbestimmung widerspricht. Ohne eine Abstimmung bedeutet, dass keine formale Abstimmung oder Wahl stattfindet, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Stattdessen kann die Entscheidung auf andere Weise getroffen werden, wie zum Beispiel durch Konsensbildung, Verhandlungen oder durch die Autorität einer Einzelperson oder einer Gruppe. Dies kann in bestimmten Situationen effizienter oder angemessener sein, insbesondere wenn es um schnelle Entscheidungen oder um Themen geht, bei denen eine Abstimmung nicht praktikabel

  • Was sind die Eigenschaften und Merkmale einer neutralen Position in einer Debatte oder Diskussion?

    Eine neutrale Position in einer Debatte bedeutet, dass man keine voreingenommene Meinung hat und objektiv bleibt. Man hört sich alle Argumente an, analysiert sie kritisch und bildet dann eine Meinung. Neutralität erfordert auch, dass man fair und respektvoll mit allen Beteiligten umgeht.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Questions:

  • Asking the Right Questions, Global Edition
    Asking the Right Questions, Global Edition

    Used in a variety of courses in various disciplines, Asking the Right Questions helps students bridge the gap between simply memorising or blindly accepting information, and the greater challenge of critical analysis and synthesis.  Specifically, this concise text teaches students to think critically by exploring the components of arguments--issues, conclusions, reasons, evidence, assumptions, language--and on how to spot fallacies and manipulations and obstacles to critical thinking in both written and visual communication.  It teaches them to respond to alternative points of view and develop a solid foundation for making personal choices about what to accept and what to reject.  The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Little Book of Big Management Questions, The
    Little Book of Big Management Questions, The

    The Little Book of Big Management Questions provides instant solutions to the key questions that every manager asks themselves: How can I motivate my team? How do I calculate the length of the project? How do I delegate effectively?  How do I prepare a strategic plan? And many, many more. Each question is easy to find, explains why it’s important and the business thinking behind it. Then the fast, focused, expert solutions immediately empower you to take action and move forward with confidence. The Little Book of Big Management Questions will make sure you can: Instantly and expertly handle a wide range of management challenges Be more prepared, more decisive and more in control Get the best from your team, the respect of your colleagues and the support of your peers Fully understand your responsibilities, the company you work for and your role within it. The full text downloaded to your computer. With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends Print 5 pages at a time Compatible for PCs and MACs No expiry (offline access will remain whilst the Bookshelf software is installed. eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the VitalSource Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad/Android app. When the eBook is purchased, you will receive an email with your access code.  Simply go to to download the FREE Bookshelf software. After installation, enter your access code for your eBook. Time limit The VitalSource products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your VitalSource products whilst you have your VitalSource Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 Practice Questions Exam Cram
    CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 Practice Questions Exam Cram

    CompTIA® Security+ SY0-301 Practice Questions Exam Cram, Third Edition, offers all the exam practice you’ll need to systematically prepare, identify and fix areas of weakness, and pass your exam the first time. This book complements any Security+ study plan with more than 800 practice test questions–all supported with complete explanations of every correct and incorrect answer–covering all Security+ exam objectives, including network security; compliance and operation security; threats and vulnerabilities; application, host and data security; access control and identity management; and cryptography.   This is the eBook version of the print title. Note that the eBook does not provide access to the CD-ROM content that accompanies the print book.   Limited Time Offer: Buy CompTIA Security+ SY0-301 Practice Questions Exam Cram and receive a 10% off discount code for the CompTIA Security+ SYO-301 exam.  To receive your 10% off discount code: 1.       Register your product at 2.       When prompted, enter ISBN:  9780789748287 3.       Go to your Account page and click on “Access Bonus Content”   Covers the critical information you’ll need to know to score higher on your Security+ exam! Features more than 800 questions that are organized according to the Security+ exam objectives, so you can easily assess your knowledge of each topic. Use our innovative Quick-Check Answer System™ to quickly find answers as you work your way through the questions. Each question includes detailed explanations! Our popular Cram Sheet, which includes tips, acronyms, and memory joggers, helps you review key facts before you enter the testing center. Diane M. Barrett (MCSE, CISSP, Security+) is the director of training for Paraben Corporation and an adjunct professor for American Military University. She has done contract forensic and security assessment work for several years and has authored other security and forensic books. She is a regular committee member for ADFSL’s Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, as well as an academy director for Advancement Solutions. She holds many industry certifications, including CISSP, ISSMP, DFCP, PCME, and Security+. Diane’s education includes a MS in Information Technology with a specialization in Information Security. She expects to complete a PhD in business administration with a specialization in Information Security shortly.  

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Leading with Questions (Marquardt, Michael J.~Tiede, Bob)
    Leading with Questions (Marquardt, Michael J.~Tiede, Bob)

    Leading with Questions , In the newly revised Third Edition of Leading with Questions: How Leaders Find Powerful Answers By Knowing How And What To Ask, two veteran global leaders, Marquardt and Tiede, deliver a powerful and practical exploration of how to ask questions that generate short-term and long-term results and success. The authors demonstrate how effective leaders use questions to encourage participation, teamwork, and creative thinking while empowering others, creating relationships with customers, and solving problems. They provide step-by-step guidance on the process of learning the art of questioning, as well as techniques--including active listening and follow-up questioning--that you can use in a variety of situations and with individuals, teams, or even entire organizations.   The book offers discussions of the most recent and important research on how asking questions changes people and companies for the better, as well as interviews with over 40 executive leaders and managers from around the world who have used questions to their advantage in several industries. You'll learn what questions these seasoned industry veterans have found to be most effective at uncovering critical information about the organizations they lead, as well as the questions they ask themselves to develop their leadership skills.   This latest edition provides new insights into how to use questions in remote and virtual environments, new advancements in action learning, and strategies for developing the skills possessed by exceptional questioners. You'll also discover techniques for achieving specific results, like staff management and team function improvements, and sharpening the strategy, vision, and values of a company.   An insightful resource for managers, executives, and other business leaders, Leading with Questions is must-read material for anyone interested in the art and science of organizational leadership. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften , Auflage: 3. Auflage, Erscheinungsjahr: 20230501, Produktform: Leinen, Autoren: Marquardt, Michael J.~Tiede, Bob, Auflage: 23003, Auflage/Ausgabe: 3. Auflage, Keyword: Business & Management; Führung; Gemeinnützige Organisationen / Management u. Führung; Management; Management / Leadership; Management f. Führungskräfte; Non-Profit Organizations / Management Leadership; Wirtschaft u. Management, Fachschema: Englische Bücher / Wirtschaft, Business~Führung / Mitarbeiterführung~Mitarbeiterführung~Kommunikation (Unternehmen)~Unternehmenskommunikation, Fachkategorie: Businesskommunikation und -präsentation, Warengruppe: HC/Wirtschaft/Management, Fachkategorie: Management: Führung und Motivation, Text Sprache: eng, Seitenanzahl: X, Seitenanzahl: 262, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Wiley John + Sons, Verlag: Wiley John + Sons, Länge: 232, Breite: 156, Höhe: 24, Gewicht: 546, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Vorgänger EAN: 9781118658130, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0004, Tendenz: 0, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,

    Preis: 24.08 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Worin bestehen die Vorteile und Nachteile einer Debatte als Methode zur Diskussion und Entscheidungsfindung?

    Die Vorteile einer Debatte liegen darin, dass verschiedene Standpunkte beleuchtet und diskutiert werden können, was zu einer fundierten Entscheidungsfindung führen kann. Zudem fördert eine Debatte den Austausch von Ideen und Meinungen sowie die Entwicklung von Argumentationsfähigkeiten. Nachteile einer Debatte können sein, dass sie zu Konflikten und Spannungen zwischen den Teilnehmern führen kann. Zudem besteht die Gefahr, dass persönliche Angriffe statt konstruktiver Argumente im Vordergrund stehen. Außerdem kann eine Debatte zu einer langwierigen und zeitaufwändigen Diskussion führen, ohne dass eine klare Entscheidung getroffen wird.

  • Was sind die Merkmale und Vorteile eines neutralen Standpunkts in einer Diskussion oder Debatte?

    Ein neutraler Standpunkt ermöglicht es, objektiv zu bleiben und alle Seiten einer Diskussion fair zu betrachten. Dies fördert eine ausgewogene und sachliche Debatte, ohne Voreingenommenheit oder Parteilichkeit. Durch einen neutralen Standpunkt können Lösungen gefunden werden, die auf Fakten und Vernunft basieren, anstatt auf Emotionen oder persönlichen Meinungen.

  • "Was sind die typischen Merkmale und Techniken eines effektiven Schlagabtausches in einer Debatte oder Diskussion?"

    Typische Merkmale eines effektiven Schlagabtausches sind klare Argumentation, gute Rhetorik und schnelle Reaktionen. Techniken wie das Widerlegen von Aussagen, das Stellen von gezielten Fragen und das Einbringen von Beispielen können dabei helfen, den eigenen Standpunkt zu verteidigen. Eine respektvolle und sachliche Kommunikation ist dabei entscheidend, um eine konstruktive Diskussion zu führen.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Merkmale und Vorteile eines neutralen Standpunkts in einer Diskussion oder Debatte?

    Ein neutraler Standpunkt ermöglicht es, objektiv und unvoreingenommen zu argumentieren, ohne persönliche Emotionen oder Vorurteile einzubringen. Durch die Fokussierung auf Fakten und Logik können sachliche Diskussionen geführt werden, die zu einem besseren Verständnis und Lösungen führen. Neutralität fördert zudem den Respekt für unterschiedliche Meinungen und trägt dazu bei, Konflikte zu vermeiden und eine konstruktive Kommunikation zu ermöglichen.

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